Well here I leave the machine, the material is placed in one of the chambers and mercury is introduced, which is solidified into one of the compartments as peltier plate is refrigerated and pumped with an aquarium pump. Then the mercury drops
material and falls into the chamber is the Peltier plate calentando.El mercury that falls into the container evaporates because there is heat and solidifies on the other makes frio.Por last when no more gold peltier plate turns on the garbage can so the mercury evaporates'm stuck on the plates and solidifies into the refrigerated container. Thus
not touch mercury and gold is left on the comprtimiento which was heated and cooled mercury.
This machine is completely sealed at the time of making the process as gaseous mercury is deadly.
Before opening the machine off and leave the heaters which cools it solidifies so much mercury that evaporated.
I hope that is well understood if not alert.
This machine is to design it well I just did a test which worked fine
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