Gay History Museum in San Francisco
San Francisco today became the second city to host a museum of history LGBT (lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual) next to Berlin. The chosen site could not be other than the famous Castro district, historically the epicenter of many key events in the history of gay and popular claims to the public after the film
My name is Harvey Milk. It is this pioneering activist is, despite being deceased, doubly responsible for the opening of the museum and its relationship to the neighborhood that has been crucial to the film location and above there was an exhibition for some time and, given the success of the public, was that it was feasible to make even a global museum on homosexuality. The initial intention will be to see all those initial struggles so hard that may seem simple now given the times (in a few countries, it must be said) but at that time were all a heroism, and the sample is sufficient own murder of Harvey Milk to illustrate. Over time they expanded the activities and exhibitions and will also serve as a documentation center for anyone who wants to do some work or research that today we call "queer." Good luck to the museum and above all an example for projects similar in other cities.
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