Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Finding Reveals

corn Legend Online Teotihuacan. They say that before the arrival of Quetzalcoatl, the Aztecs ate only roots and animals they hunted.
They had corn, because this cereal as food for them, hiding behind the mountains.
The old gods tried to separate the mountains with their colossal force but failed.
The Aztecs were to raise this issue to Quetzalcoatl.
"I will bring them" replied the god.
Quetzalcoatl, the powerful god, not in vain strove to separate the mountains with his strength, but he used his cunning.
was transformed into a black ant and accompanied by a red ant went to the mountains.
The road was full of difficulties, but overcame them Quetzalcoatl, thinking only of his people and their needs for food. Made great efforts and not give up before the fatigue and hardship. Quetzalcoatl
came to where was the corn, as it was transformed into an ant, he took a ripe grain in its jaws and started back. On reaching the promised gave maize grain to the hungry Indians.
The Aztecs planted the seed. Thus obtained since corn planted and harvested.
The precious grain, increased their wealth, and became stronger, built cities, palaces, temples ... And they lived happily ever since.
And from that time, the Aztecs worshiped the generous Quetzalcoatl, the god friend of mankind, the god who brought them corn.


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