Thursday, February 24, 2011

Strokejobs Cherish And Kali

Eurovision is coming. Lucia represent Spain with "Let me take away what bailao"

There are still some mesecitos but all broadcasters are running and their teams have time to make adjustments, change some other things the letter, prepare choreography ... In our case we would have hit a lot in this last section of choreography because it was in the competition for TVE was very chaotic and improvised. As the letter is very Sencillito and repetitive (to put it in some form) will be more important if it fits the look, and I say this as critical not too fierce because there really was not much to choose from as organized the show's format. Indeed, this year there has been no scandal John Cobra style (ha ha) and the host Igartiburu Anne has had a more placid galas. ( Watch video of the song by clicking here )

As I said, the lyrics of the song is a bit in tune with the title and not much to discuss. Sencillito and repeat what's already. I also some pieces left over could be called onomatopoeic "parachuru, Churu, Churu" and "er, er, er" but hey, it is known that won twice with "la, la, la, la, la, la" and "I'm dancing, hey, I'm dancing, hey" so it would not be a problem. For the little sympathy that usually does not wake Spain in Europe is that there is much enthusiasm from anyone and I think no one's TVE is very convinced of their participation in this event. Honestly, I think it is going by sheer inertia and perhaps give it taste bad. They send someone every year, then that whatever has to happen. Not now have to be very attentive audience as other chains and currently there is danger as Tele Idol Berlusconi.

all with being in the top ten and would have to be with a song in the teeth. I would like to conclude, however, saying that the singer does seem to me very professional and moves very loose on stage especially compared to most rivals. Suerte!


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