La Gioconda, half man half woman
According recent research, the famous painting by Leonardo Da Vinci have traces of Lisa Gherardini (hence the Mona Lisa) and lover of the painter: Gian Giacomo Caprotti. This boy worked in his shop and said they were together for over twenty years. He was one of his best mates and seems also preferred in other areas. We can see his physical appearance in the two boxes below that represent San Juan Bautista, where the model was fully confirmed Caprotti. The new studies are clear signs of the boy played in La Gioconda (nose, eyes and mouth). The enigmatic smile takes on a new element of curiosity to this duality. This hypothesis also clarifies, in time, another enigma that hid the box and is in the eyes of this lady, sir or transvestite Leonardo had painted two letters: L and S. For years there was speculation of a hidden name as Lisa Gherardini, or another name of another lady but now seems to be explained that the L to correspond to the so Lisa and S the lover of the painter who was known to all as The Salai. Just a few years there is a new
explanation for everything that surrounds Leonardo is highly mysterious. What seems clear is that the sexual status of every artist has a direct impact on his art, against thinking of some scholars who always want to hide everything and never mention Lorca's homosexuality, Proust, Genet, Murnau, Michelangelo and Leonardo, among many others, as part of explanation of his work. And for the record that Leonardo's lover has told the senior manager of Cultural Heritage of Italy who was in charge of this new study, so it is no tone output of a gay student or any appropriation of the gay community. One way or the other we have "Da Vinci Code" for a while.
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