sonrriente man's explanation of the quantum computer (very basic explanation) Well I will try to explain how it works simple and quantum foundations of each phenomenon. First I'll start by naming a couple of events and understand how this machine works.
slit experiment
Young worked with what is optical, one of his discoveries was that when a photon or light beam did go through a double slit that is "bent."
Well that is it to bend, is that if you shoot a photon between the 2 slots that comes out of the 2 at the same time. How can this be because you have to leave only one slot for the 2 never imagine that the photon is like a tennis ball is thrown and can only go through one hole ever by 2 at the same time. It was found that when it comes to elements in a quantum state (very small), an element can be in 2 places at once.
If we cover one of the slots and put a detector behind and we will shoot the photon that this step had left the slot open but if we cover the open one and open the other we find that also happens to shoot the other. Well now we open the 2 and put a detector behind each slot and we got the surprise that we are only going to make it out for one of the slots, it happens that when measuring the photon can only be in a never on 2 simultaneously. If not detected and put the back is a blank wall will see interference (multiple lines) it is given that a photon that is bent in 2 places at once but to understand what a serious positive and one negative and the bump is Interference cancel.
Conclusion: that at the time of measuring can only be in one place (we will make only one detector never 2) and that the element can be in 2 places at the same time but with opposite values.
There are more but is very long and irrelevant ... ..
laser cooling
Well as everyone knows the heat is actually a wavelength that contact with any material that raises its temperature . If we know that wavelength can shoot radiates this item with a laser that item the same wavelength as the irradiation but with an opposite value thus achieving the annulment of this wave.
Onda the radiating element
laser wave that radiates
cancel and give a line straight
With this you can get to get close to 0 absolute (-271 ° C). You just know that wavelength radiating element and ready we can cancel, no need to use a laser can also be done by placing a mirror and returning the length of where it came from calculating the distance and the wavelength so that when return is set aside and not increase instead of the cancellation. One of my inventions was cool mics for this system but you want cool mics if quantum computers.
energy levels of an atom
Well here goes challenging environment to explain so I will explain still more general than the others.
An atom has a number of orbits depending on what is, which may have electrons. An atom at rest does not have all filled electron orbits as this can produce junctions with other elements, or they can add their orbits electrons increase their energy level, the problem of increasing your energy level is that it lasts a short time (a charge it but returns to its resting level, it loses those electrons that we can never keep a high energy state). The most common way to add electrons to these elements to increase your energy level is through wavelengths. The light is a wavelength, each color is a different wavelength.
The posting to a wavelength of light eg this element is a photon collisions which crashing when adding electrons in the orbits of this item and also makes it vibrate and generate temperature.
An example is the case as neodymium wavelengths we have added a few electrons and how long it takes to lose. If you see exposed to 590 nm when they are most absorbed more energy and takes that element of the wavelength (see the peak when it reaches almost 600). It also greatly affects the temperature reading of how much energy is taken, given that at higher temperatures more quickly loses electrons taken.
Another phenomenon that happens is that when you load a element with electrons and is in a high energy level to hit a photon is created on this 2-photon (we're creating the field). This occurs because a photon can not exist in the same place and time when a vibrational disturbance which causes it to produce 2 photons of a single photon. This phenomenon is used to make high-power laser is fired as a wavelength to the item you want to raise your energy level and then make a second shot to the photons multiply in millions.
may wonder how it is since I'm using a photon to excite the element and then another to create shock and spent 2 and 2, Bone spent 2 and 2 out, no gain. But if you put a chain and are charged elements such elements need to load 10 10 photons and then fired 10 photons collide and play well when we collide with the first 20 and when we clash with the 2 40 and 3 80, 4 ° 160, 5 320, etc. So we spend only 20 photons and get more of 10240 photons (this is called population inversion.)
neodymium element when loaded with a wavelength, then radiates photons of different wavelengths depending on their level of energy.
to see in the image above if you shoot a photon of 870 nm wave length we reached the energy level 4F3 / 2 and if it hits another photon but this item will get 2-photon 870 nm of 1060 nm (1.06 um as it comes in the picture)
Another issue is to increase the link between elements, such as commenting on the experiment of Young which is in 2 different places at the same time, this is achieved by vibrating the element and thus cause their orbits to widen:
vibrating not
Vibrating moves from side to side and increases its size link
Confining a element
Well confine the common form of an element is to create a magnetic field around it and we can confine to a particular space. To give you an idea if we had an atom in the hand outside a second would be a kilometer away.
quantum computer operation
What they did was grab 4 atoms, 2 2, beryllium and magnesium. Were confined in a given space, and aligned in this order beryllium, magnesium, beryllium, magnesium. Then generated through wavelength these elements vibrate when there is widening their orbits and generate a field to exert force even greater alignment between being Magnesium and beryllium + separation + megnesio beryllium field. Bone were separated from 2 by 2 but their orbits are drawn together and transmit data to each other, as explained in Young's experiment that if the same element but is in 2 different places if we do something to one the other takes different value. Since it begins to radiate with a laser to the atoms (one laser for each pair of atoms). This causes the element to obtain electrons and behave as a circuit (when loaded is 1 and when it is 0) but here comes the interesting given that this is only a couple but we have another couple and as I said if a par le something happens other as well but with different values, thus not only that pair will be 1 and 0 if it can be 1 and 0 at once (a bit is 1 0 a qubit is 10 01). To understand today can only have a value that is not 0 or a 2 at the same time this is accomplished by having the 2 values \u200b\u200bat the same time. Thus laser is achieved with 2 to 2 operations on different sides but influence of another as each operation in a pair gives the opposite of another.
Well now let's see how they get this information, as they comment on whether an element has loaded its orbit (energy level) this to be beaten by the laser produces another photon but in a different wavelength. As they do this when the item is loaded to give a value with the laser are affecting the other pair but when I loaded the second pair with the laser to give it a value also obtained details of the transaction with the previous pair is generated as photons because this was heavy and there is a sensor that takes these photons and know which level was loaded and had values.
Buenoa something very important is that other laser interacts in this process pointed to magnesium which is used to cool the elements because without this laser as I said above the energy values \u200b\u200bchange and not very stable energy levels.
Thus we get a functional quantum computer jejejjej and I feel like doing a jajajja.
Now on to the implications of this:
This system can be improved since it stores information only beryllium and has 3 levels of energy that could get to be 4 if they use neodymium, also the time that contains high energy level is short compared with other elements. If time is short this means that you can only perform an operation at that time if longer can perform more complex operations and long. One of the materials with longer excited state (high energy level) is the erbium has something of 8000 ns.
Well this is in its infancy but has great growth since it started 5 years at that time and may have tried other materials and levels. And not one imagine having hundreds of those working at the same time we would have many qubits at once.
more than I expected out by bending Young that quantum computers would be given that this method could bend space time generating enough power and would result in one of its parts were affected by 1000 years but the other is only 1 second of life, could also work more stable and not have the range of 6% failure rate. Well in my spare time I start to solve these problems for one of these machines (the problem is I have no money hahhahha)